Who Owns Hillary?


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by Brenda Grantland, Esq. (c) 2016 Brenda Grantland
34,763 words, 129 pages in the full-sized pdf desktop edition
purchase here for $3.99

Bill and Hillary Clinton were paid $47.7 million for 184 speeches in the two years immediately before Hillary launched her presidential campaign. These payments were not campaign contributions or even charitable donations to the Clinton Foundation — they were paid directly to the Clintons as personal income, to spend as they chose. The Clintons were paid between $225,000 and $750,000 for each speech, which generally lasted one hour if not less. These are the speeches for which the American public demanded release of the transcripts, to no avail.

Many of the corporations on this list have a track record of monopolistic behavior. Many are repeat violators of laws and regulations, that paid  multi-million dollar fines or even billion dollar fines to settle regulatory charges or even criminal charges – yet no one went to jail for it.  The list includes the banks that caused the banking collapse (and the current recession), and which were then bailed out, and banks behind the Keystone XL pipeline. It includes the titans of the insurance and healthcare industry, the communications giants, high tech industry, etc.

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